Thursday 24 April 2014

Yann Arthus-Bertrand: A wide-angle view of fragile Earth

The topic of the video "A wide-angle view of fragile Earth", by Yann Arthus-Bertrand, was about human relationship with the earth in every possible ways, I mean, the french expositor didn't used the typical ecological approach because he combined it with peoples relationships at each other. 
Across the presentation, Yann Arthus-Bertrand gave some alarming numbers related to important consecuences of global warming, like the amount of CO2 emitted by a simple plane flight (9 tonnes), and insterest fact like 100 percent of the coral in Coral reef in Caledonia, may be wiped out before 2050 affecting sea biodiversity. He also shows pictures about the consecuences of global warming in mountains wich have loose over an 80 percent of it ice, and how in north pole the thickness of the artic decreased more than 40 percent since 1960.

"One fifth of human kind depend on fish to live" said the french guy, and then included "Today now 70% of the fish stock are over-exploited", this last sentence can be traduce it in that the sea resouces will be gone in 2050.
In my opinion this is a very dificult and alarming situation, because as Yann Arthus-Bertrand said "We don't want to believe what we know about polution", so if the agents of world warming (ourselfs) don't want to accept a change in out life and let rest the earth, we are condemn our own lifes and future humanity.

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