Thursday 15 May 2014

My favorite photograph

Hello everyone! Today I would like to show you one of my favorites photographs, I choose it because it was took in a special moment of my life where I was trying to refound myself and this place was so magic that I really reconect myself with nature, my sister and happiness.

Tantauco's park, Chiloé island.
The photograph was taken in Tantauco's park ubicated in Chiloé's island (nearly to Quellón), this summer (2014) and it was took by my sister. 
She and I have an amazing trip doing a really hard and difficult trekking of 54 kilometers; we end it with a lot of wounds (injurys), really tired and wet because of three days of rain, but still we felt happy and proud of ourselfs. 
If you ask me "Why I love this picture?" I can tell that the answer its easy for me.. because that photograph shows one of the biggest adventure that I had in my and also the beauty of the landscape, the colors, the wood and of course the always green forest.
I hope you'll enjoy this picture as much as I do!
See you readers!


  1. hello friend I like this photo too, specially the rain for example the place where before I lived we have three months of much raining and sunny which it was beautiful with a rainbow at the end of the day. see you ...

  2. Hi cami, I really like yoy photo, is a beautiful place
