Monday 26 May 2014

"If people really wanted ethically produced products, they would already be buying them"

Today’s society is worry about the composition, origin and manufacture of food, however the time is money, so it’s not a priority because this products are expensive and hard to find also a few of them are really what they appear to be, like organics, ethically produced, innocuous, etc…
I think it should be a governmental issue to promote consume of innocuous and ethically produced products, because it’s something good for society’s health, they should protect us, having laws to control the big companies and check outs of the products such as vegetables.

In the case of vegetables in Chili there is not precaution about control of pesticides, fertilizer, etc… that affects directly in humans health. In the other hand fruits are mostly very innocuous products because it’s a business focus on exportation, staying in Chili the “worst products” which means the fruit that doesn’t have the necessary requirement of color, size, shape between others.

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