Sunday 22 June 2014

A country I'd like to visit

Hello everyone! today's topic is travels. Since I was a child I dreamed about visiting differents countrys all over the world and actually until today I dreamed about visit Morocco, there's something about the sand, the culture and their food that makes me enthusiastic about knowing it. I would like to visit saidia's beach, also to visit the Sahara desert, and finally visit the city of Marrakech, wich is the biggest touristic city of Morocco, in there you can visit the Majorelle garden, the 170 SaadĂ­es graves, Alaminar of koutoubia (praying place) and Zocos of Marrakech (street market). 

I also must said that i'm interested in this country in only a tourist way, i would't like to live or work in there because of their sexist culture and my vision of today's women. 
If I had to lived in another country I would prefer New Zealand, because I think it's a great country in every posible ways.
Finally I would like to say that travelling today it's so much easy than 20 years ago, because there are more posibilities for pay that trips and also there's a lot more information and conection between countrys all over the world.

1 comment:

  1. How interesting! Is an exotic travel that I'd like to make
