Saturday 23 August 2014

Food and Sustainability

Hello bloggers! Today's topic is food and sustainability about it I would like to talk about an interesting video "7 food forests in 7 minutes with Geoff Lawton" about permaculture.
Geoff Lawton shows how the design of sustainable systems can improve the soil conditions for agriculture. 
He analized his system in 7 different stages of growth and different seasons, showing the changes in the ecosystem like presence of nodules in the soil added to the plant's roots, diameter of canopys over the time, etc..

In my personal opinion I think this is a system based on people's concern about future wich is a really nice sign, because permaculture is a solution for resources shortage, and also a solution for remains control.
In Chile, we have a lot to work on it, because we don't have the tools as society to make a sustainable country. Everyone should be educated on this matter at school and that way we could have a brilliant future in the hands of the future society.
So, come on! be inspired and search about it to be able to help with a grain of sand to our future.


  1. My grain of sand is recycled, ten years I've been doing.
    Now I am planning to make a vertical garden.

  2. It should be taught in schools, so everybody could learn about sustainability and the care of the environment. kisses

  3. A possitive video that make people change their minds, and everyday more people are doing things for it! But I agree with Fede, all this things should have been be taught when we were little.
