Tuesday 2 September 2014

Genetic Modified Organisms

Hi bloggers, today i'll talk about GMOs or Genetic Modified Organisms. 
First of all I would like to say what they are, GMOs are refered to a living organisms that has been genetically modified by molecular genetic techniques like protein engineering or gene cloning. This GMOs can be used in different areas like agriculture searching for a solution to malnutrition in poor countries, in other cases are used to create plants resistant to diseases or pesticides for example. Another area where GMOs could be used is the fish industry specifically salmons where they selected some genes that could improve the number of eggs and also they modified this fishes to live only in the ocean without to travel to rivers avoiding hemorrhages in the salmons.

In this blog I want to talk specifically about plants and food that has been genetically modified, I think they are useful in the management of crops because it allow to use some herbicides for example to kill every plant present in the field except for the Genetic modified crop of interest, because it has a resistant to the weed-killer. Even when it is a solution for a lot of problems in the agriculture management it is a solution for world nutrition too, because there are some crops genetically modified for nutriotional facts like addition of proteins, antioxidants, vitamins, etc...
However there is no establish control about this matter and the risk of contamination to other native crops its too high and that is the big problem today, so in that context it could be really harmful for biodiversity of the world besides the lack of awareness of society in this matter.


  1. I think the food that has been genetically modified is a good iniciative for the poor countrys.

  2. I don't think GMOs are the solution for world hungry, we have to promote social changes to redistribute all the resources!

  3. I also think that GMO aren't the solution for worl hundry, we can produce more and more food (maybe) but the same people will have that food and the poor countries will don't have nothing.

  4. I agree with you that the GMO can be a solution of the world hunger but there are so many risks and we have to do some social changes!
