Tuesday 30 September 2014

How green I am

Hello Bloggers, today's topic is something that everybody talks nowadays: Environment. What kind of things we do to contribute to preserve it? I think not so much because many times we don't have the tools to do it. In Chile there are few programs that promote enviromentally friendly practices, but since 2007 when the Environment Ministry was created, some environmental rules, in agriculture for example, were truly regulated like greenhouse gas emissions, water management, etc.. Maybe there's not a perfect regulation, but I optimistic think that we're on way to do it.
I personally admit that in my house there's no recycling management because we have no near store place to left that trash and make the management worth, 
Also I think that even when there is a lot of information about it, there is no always accessible for people, or there's no big promotion of it, besides the fact that it should be something teach at school but it isn't.
To contribute to preserve the environment I prefer to walk or to use a bus or subway to travel than get to anywhere by car, even when I have a licence, a car to do it and a common route that is traffic jum free, but I prefer no to use it because I really think that is unnecessary pollution and also much more expensive than public transport in my case.
I haven't joined or supported any eco-organisations because I don't trust in them, maybe I'm too mistrustful about it but I just can't trust them.
Anyway I repeat that the only way of progress in this matter is teaching about it in every school of our country. And obviously having politics that could guarantee environmental's preserving.


  1. I think that it should be something teach at school too, because we have to make a change in children to have a better future.

  2. Yes, it should have rules best done.

  3. I agree with you, it should be taught at schools, so kids would start doing it well
