Tuesday 23 September 2014

Trash Management

Hi Bloggers! Today's topic is Trash Management, this is about specifically of Municipal solid waste (MSW) wich is also known as garbage or trash. This is everything we use everyday and throw away like bottles, clothes, food waste, product packaging, furnitures, newspaper, etc...
The trash management could be understand in different ways:

  • Source Reduction: This is the design of products that minimise the amount of waste that later will be thrown away. 
  • Recycling: Is the recovery from trash of useful materials like glass, metals, plastics and paper to make some new products.
  • Composting: This envolves the collection of organic waste like yard trimming, food waste or animal's waste. It should be storage under designed conditions to be useful as a fertilizer later. (Chemical process)
  • Energy recovered from waste: Is the conversion of non-recyclable waste materials into useable heat, fuel or electricity. I think this is the biggest achievement on this study field.
In Chile, we have a really few knowlodge about trash management or, actually, thoughtlessness about the destiny and damage that we produced everytime we throw away our waste, but I think that gladly everyday there are some much more people interested on it.
In Chile we have 2 companies that work on trash management KDM, and EMERES (just in Santiago). 
EMERES is a private company that brings a lot of services at the 21 Municipalities associated, such as Management of municipal solid waste, inspection of landfills and transfer stations, Minimise the amount of solid waste and also they make studies, personnel training, and counsels.
I think we have all the conditions to make a trash management but we must to educated the society first, starting in school to create conscience since child.


  1. If we teach the kids to do it, then all the other generations will, and at least, we won´t have the landfill problems! Good idea! :)

  2. I agree we need educated the society, you can see a lot of people throw trash in the street

  3. Very interesting Cami, I didn't know about the trash monopoly! Certainly, they has our trash management in their hands, and must receive a lot of money! Maybe, they can do a better work, separating garbage at least.

  4. The only way to change people minds is education!
