Tuesday 7 October 2014


Hello bloggers today's topic is Facebook! In my case I don't use it very much and when I do is because I'm bored and I have nothing else to do (at least that I WANT to do) and most of the time that I have to use it, is because it's a common and easy way of communicate with my friends or classmates to make some group work because we can discuss about it and do it fast without having to leave my house to do it.
I think that the most helpful use is to connect people all over the world, because now you can speak and see them by a videochat by facebook and it's cheaper than speaking by phone.
Another hepfully stuff that facebook gives is the "birthday reminder" because I'm really bad with dates. I think that in generally it's a good virtual space to share some things like travel photos, but I really hate people that share too much information! like what are they doing or what are they eating or if they're tired or angry or whatever, I mean who cares? I really think that is very annoying and that people have no personal lifes! 
Some of the bad things that Facebook cause is that people start to prefer comunicate with each other in this "virtual relationship" which I think it's awful because they are losing so much knowlodge from the others, I think that people isn't the same in person than under a screen.
I think facebook is a great virtual platform to communicate but only when you have some limits to do it, because it isn't the only way, or the easiest, is just the most "comfortable" (lazy) one.


  1. Maybe some people wants to increment their egos, sharing all their lifes. I prefer to laugh when someone fights in Facebook, or share their emotional changes. I'm a baaad person.

  2. I preffer to see people face to face but facebook is a useful tool.
