Tuesday 14 October 2014

Year 2014: Good and Bad Points

Hi Bloggers, today I will talk about good and bad points about year 2014. We are already close to the end of it, so it is time to do it.
This year has been very exhausting but I think that's a good thing because it means that I do a lot of stuff, and I really do. 
Every year I expect to do a lot of things but nothing in particular, I mean what I want every year is to do things that I could keep on my memory forever, and this year I did at least 2 stuff that I would foundly remembe. First of all I started my year with the right foot, doing a 5 days trekking for the first time on my life with my sister and with no physical conditions at that moment but we did it succesfully, so even when at the second day I was already deeply regret about it, at the end (fiveth day) I felt the joy for my achievement.
And the second one, is to be part of the student union of my career that most of the time gives me a headache, but at the end I think that I will get useful lessons for the future.
An achievement that makes me proud of, is make sports part of my life again, because thanks to that my life has been so much colorful now than last year.
I think that the only pending stuff that I have to do this year, is to approve all my subjects at the University, and I am working to make it possible (finger crossed)

1 comment:

  1. I´m proud of you about the two things you named too! The first one I admire you because trekking for 5 days?? I think I´m not able to do it jajaja, and the second one is a experience you will always remember and you have to enjoyed it perhaps all the headaches! And I´m sure you are going to approve all the subjects at the University :)
