Tuesday 21 October 2014

English Language Challenges

Hi bloggers! today is my last post on this blog, so I will talk about english courses at university. 
First of all I would like to tell you that I took 3 courses at university (levels 2,3 and 4) and I think it was awesome because the main reason why I took english 3 and 4 after 2 was that it was a really interesting class, it was funny, relaxed and also very helpfull in the learning part, because it is not the common way of taught it, it is a lot more real since the moment that they teach you how to face real life's situations in this foreign language (english).
About the use of blog I think it is a good tool to learn and practice english language. I had to wrote them in level 3 and 4 and even when it was tedious sometimes, I think it helps me a lot to progress and increase my vocabulary.
I think what I have to improve the most in english is my speaking, but most of all because I have lack of confidence when I speak in front of someone else, so I want to improve that travelling to places where I can practice this.
Beside this class I use my knowlodge of english to understand most of all scientific papers, studies, etc,. It is also a selective tool at the moment of postulate at a lot of jobs and that makes it a very important language to manage. In addition is importat to know english when you travel, because it is the most common and universal language in the world. 
Good bye bloggers! See you around :)

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Year 2014: Good and Bad Points

Hi Bloggers, today I will talk about good and bad points about year 2014. We are already close to the end of it, so it is time to do it.
This year has been very exhausting but I think that's a good thing because it means that I do a lot of stuff, and I really do. 
Every year I expect to do a lot of things but nothing in particular, I mean what I want every year is to do things that I could keep on my memory forever, and this year I did at least 2 stuff that I would foundly remembe. First of all I started my year with the right foot, doing a 5 days trekking for the first time on my life with my sister and with no physical conditions at that moment but we did it succesfully, so even when at the second day I was already deeply regret about it, at the end (fiveth day) I felt the joy for my achievement.
And the second one, is to be part of the student union of my career that most of the time gives me a headache, but at the end I think that I will get useful lessons for the future.
An achievement that makes me proud of, is make sports part of my life again, because thanks to that my life has been so much colorful now than last year.
I think that the only pending stuff that I have to do this year, is to approve all my subjects at the University, and I am working to make it possible (finger crossed)

Tuesday 7 October 2014


Hello bloggers today's topic is Facebook! In my case I don't use it very much and when I do is because I'm bored and I have nothing else to do (at least that I WANT to do) and most of the time that I have to use it, is because it's a common and easy way of communicate with my friends or classmates to make some group work because we can discuss about it and do it fast without having to leave my house to do it.
I think that the most helpful use is to connect people all over the world, because now you can speak and see them by a videochat by facebook and it's cheaper than speaking by phone.
Another hepfully stuff that facebook gives is the "birthday reminder" because I'm really bad with dates. I think that in generally it's a good virtual space to share some things like travel photos, but I really hate people that share too much information! like what are they doing or what are they eating or if they're tired or angry or whatever, I mean who cares? I really think that is very annoying and that people have no personal lifes! 
Some of the bad things that Facebook cause is that people start to prefer comunicate with each other in this "virtual relationship" which I think it's awful because they are losing so much knowlodge from the others, I think that people isn't the same in person than under a screen.
I think facebook is a great virtual platform to communicate but only when you have some limits to do it, because it isn't the only way, or the easiest, is just the most "comfortable" (lazy) one.

Tuesday 30 September 2014

How green I am

Hello Bloggers, today's topic is something that everybody talks nowadays: Environment. What kind of things we do to contribute to preserve it? I think not so much because many times we don't have the tools to do it. In Chile there are few programs that promote enviromentally friendly practices, but since 2007 when the Environment Ministry was created, some environmental rules, in agriculture for example, were truly regulated like greenhouse gas emissions, water management, etc.. Maybe there's not a perfect regulation, but I optimistic think that we're on way to do it.
I personally admit that in my house there's no recycling management because we have no near store place to left that trash and make the management worth, 
Also I think that even when there is a lot of information about it, there is no always accessible for people, or there's no big promotion of it, besides the fact that it should be something teach at school but it isn't.
To contribute to preserve the environment I prefer to walk or to use a bus or subway to travel than get to anywhere by car, even when I have a licence, a car to do it and a common route that is traffic jum free, but I prefer no to use it because I really think that is unnecessary pollution and also much more expensive than public transport in my case.
I haven't joined or supported any eco-organisations because I don't trust in them, maybe I'm too mistrustful about it but I just can't trust them.
Anyway I repeat that the only way of progress in this matter is teaching about it in every school of our country. And obviously having politics that could guarantee environmental's preserving.

Tuesday 23 September 2014

Trash Management

Hi Bloggers! Today's topic is Trash Management, this is about specifically of Municipal solid waste (MSW) wich is also known as garbage or trash. This is everything we use everyday and throw away like bottles, clothes, food waste, product packaging, furnitures, newspaper, etc...
The trash management could be understand in different ways:

  • Source Reduction: This is the design of products that minimise the amount of waste that later will be thrown away. 
  • Recycling: Is the recovery from trash of useful materials like glass, metals, plastics and paper to make some new products.
  • Composting: This envolves the collection of organic waste like yard trimming, food waste or animal's waste. It should be storage under designed conditions to be useful as a fertilizer later. (Chemical process)
  • Energy recovered from waste: Is the conversion of non-recyclable waste materials into useable heat, fuel or electricity. I think this is the biggest achievement on this study field.
In Chile, we have a really few knowlodge about trash management or, actually, thoughtlessness about the destiny and damage that we produced everytime we throw away our waste, but I think that gladly everyday there are some much more people interested on it.
In Chile we have 2 companies that work on trash management KDM, and EMERES (just in Santiago). 
EMERES is a private company that brings a lot of services at the 21 Municipalities associated, such as Management of municipal solid waste, inspection of landfills and transfer stations, Minimise the amount of solid waste and also they make studies, personnel training, and counsels.
I think we have all the conditions to make a trash management but we must to educated the society first, starting in school to create conscience since child.

Tuesday 9 September 2014

My future job

Hello my dear bloggers, today I would like to told you about my dreamed future job, wich I hope it could be truth some day! 
Well, as you know I'm studyng Agronomic engeneering so I really want to work outdoor, watch all the plant's growth and people working in the field, at least for my that is a beautiful picture. So my dreamed future work is on a flower field, but I would loved to have my own flower field on greenhouses but for that I need to have some money to begin it, and for that I'll have to work really hard at first.
I know that the flower's business is hard but I can't avoid to loved the idea of it. I think this love for flowers is because of my dad who had every year a little garden of liliums in diferent colours, and in the harvest season (summer) my house looks so beautiful with lilums everywhere.
I would like to study more about this, but first I want to do a profesional practice in a flower field on Holland, New Zealand or Australia (in order of preference) and for that I'm already saving money and planning everything to (I hope) doing it on 2016 with all of my subjects pass in the University. 

Tuesday 2 September 2014

Genetic Modified Organisms

Hi bloggers, today i'll talk about GMOs or Genetic Modified Organisms. 
First of all I would like to say what they are, GMOs are refered to a living organisms that has been genetically modified by molecular genetic techniques like protein engineering or gene cloning. This GMOs can be used in different areas like agriculture searching for a solution to malnutrition in poor countries, in other cases are used to create plants resistant to diseases or pesticides for example. Another area where GMOs could be used is the fish industry specifically salmons where they selected some genes that could improve the number of eggs and also they modified this fishes to live only in the ocean without to travel to rivers avoiding hemorrhages in the salmons.

In this blog I want to talk specifically about plants and food that has been genetically modified, I think they are useful in the management of crops because it allow to use some herbicides for example to kill every plant present in the field except for the Genetic modified crop of interest, because it has a resistant to the weed-killer. Even when it is a solution for a lot of problems in the agriculture management it is a solution for world nutrition too, because there are some crops genetically modified for nutriotional facts like addition of proteins, antioxidants, vitamins, etc...
However there is no establish control about this matter and the risk of contamination to other native crops its too high and that is the big problem today, so in that context it could be really harmful for biodiversity of the world besides the lack of awareness of society in this matter.